Quebec Entrepreneur Program

Quebec has its own criteria to attract business people who intend to establish or expand a business in Quebec. The Quebec entrepreneur program has 2 streams:

  1. First steam is for the applicants who want to settle or operate a business in Quebec, they should receive an offer of service from a business enterprise accelerator, enterprise incubator or a university entrepreneurship center.
  2. Applicants in the second stream should have a net worth of at least 900,000 CAD. If they want to have their business in Montreal they should make a startup deposit of 300,000 CAD and if they want to grow their business outside of Montreal it must be 200,00 CAD. They should also make a security deposit of 200,00 CAD. If the applicants are planning to acquire an existing business, they should purchase 51% equity of the business and if they want to create a business, purchasing 25% of the equity is mandatory.

Applicants need to have at least 2 years of experience in agricultural, industrial or commercial fields and should own at least 20% of equity of an oversea business.

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